Thursday, February 5, 2009

When I used to bartend....Part 1

I was bartender while I was in college, and I probably did it about 2 years too long. I lost my patience often and became a sarcastic prick.

Guy: Hi, can you tell me where an ATM machine is?

Me: An ATM machine?

Guy: Yes.

Me: Well, no. I would think that they are built by hand, but I wouldn't know where to find one.

Guy: A money machine?

Me: An ATM?

Guy: Yes!

Me: Walk towards those double doors, hang a right, walk 60 feet and viola!

Guy: Why didn't you tell me that in the first place?!

Me: You asked if I knew where a Automatic Teller Machine Machine was located. I don't know where a machine that could make an ATM would be located, nor do I know if they exist. Like I said, I would think that they are built by hand...

Guy: Thanks...asshole.

Me: Welcome...idiot.

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