Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Hello Cleveland!

*sigh* Here goes. Over the last few tri-months I have noticed that my humor doesn't always translate well to some, and some prefer to keep their head in the sand (when it comes to current events, not celebrity happenings) so I have decided to no longer offer it up to said groups and keep my pants-shittings to myself and the few peeps that get it. Please know that I am no mental heavyweight, and I certainly do not think that I am above the people that do not enjoy my humor, it just has to be purged in order for the chaos within to line itself up. That way I can get on to doing lawn work or drinking. That being said, read on or don't. You see, it is all worth it if I make only 1 person a day (including myself) smile, cry, bang their fist on their keyboard in opposition or just lightly puke into a small crayon box at their sister's house 2 days later.

1 comment:

Tigger Fulton said...

I wonder what that used to be?