Next winter (fuck I hate winter) someone I know is going to try to convince me to do something that I do not want to do. I know this because this person has been laying the groundwork for the last 12-18 months. I won't go into who, what or where, but suffice to say that I have no interest in it. No interest in it. None. I have never even acknowledged it when this person brings it up. And they bring it up every other time I see them. When I was 7 I didn't mind people "trying to convince me otherwise". I usually took the advice because I either knew they were right, lacked experience in decision making, or was forced because I was 7. Now, I am not trying to toot my own horn, but at 37 something I can make some pretty good decisions, and believe me that is because of lessons learned the hard way. Which is why I find it annoying and slightly disrespectful when someone tries really hard (and by hard I mean by basically repeating themselves) to convince me into making a decision that I know would be a bad one. Allow me to give an example, hypothetical, of course.
Bob wants me to go bowling one night with him and his friend, Dracula. At night. I have heard, and I'll bet a brown bushel basket of garlic cloves that you have heard too, that Dracula is capable of some pretty nasty things. Well, I tell Bob "No thanks, I don't bowl." Bob counters by attempting to entice me with beer and with one of those hot dogs that stay warm by spinning around on metal rollers. I politely decline and change the subject. After a few minutes discussing his truck tires, he "asks" me again by saying "Why don't you just go with us this once, it will be fun?". I am forced to repeat myself by telling Bob that I do not bowl, and quite frankly bowling alleys have horrible franks and beer, frankly speaking. NO THANKS. But Bob won't let it go, "Dracula is totally cool, you will like him, and this bowling alley is HUGE, you have to see it!" No I don't Bob, I don't want to go. "Dude, once you see the building, you will be all like WOW! You were right! I love everything you do and all the people you hang out with, Dude, I am telling you, wait until you hear Dracula's jokes."
What Bob doesn't get is that he is making a bad decision. Oh sure, Dracula may be quite a nice undead these days, but it would be irresponsible of me to accompany them and I wouldn't have fun because I would be uneasy, to say the least, the whole night. He wants me to make the same bad decision based on Dracula's reluctance to bite him, and I am not interested in the risk/reward ratio in front of me. Finally, I have to let him know how I feel about being with Dracula at night. What do I get? "Aw man, he isn't like that. He used to be kinda murdery, but man he just likes bowling. And you will too!".
No Bob.
1 comment:
I cannot decide what I hate more - intolerance or indecision.
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