By Doug Simmons
As a criminal here in central Illinois , I am finding it harder and harder to rape, steal and murder. The recent explosion of legal gun sales to law-abiding citizens coupled with the bad economy is bad enough, but now my profession is being targeted, literally, by this talk of conceal-carry legislation. I reside in Illinois for two reasons: no death penalty and no conceal-carry, but if conceal-carry is implemented, then I will find it nearly impossible to carry out random impulse crimes on the street. Also, it sure doesn’t help that violent crimes are getting so much media attention now, all that does is make people wary, which makes my job harder.
Home invasions, at least for me, are very risky business these days due to the high number of FOID cards issued since November. All those FOID card holders went out and bought guns and ammunition and they are keeping those loaded guns in their homes, so in order to successfully pull off a good old-fashioned Breaking and Entering these days, I either have to research the heck out of my mark, or go in blind and hope for the best. Not a very good business plan, if you ask me.
As far as assaults go, that is all I really have going for me. I can attack a lady in the parking garage, drug store parking lot, or even on the street. I can steal her purse, beat her, and even have my way with her. If conceal-carry becomes a reality in Illinois , then what will I do if that same woman could be armed? Get a job and stop my assaults? Well, no thank you.
I know what you are thinking, just move to Chicago when the legislation is in effect because they will impose a gun ban no matter what. Have you looked into the cost of living in Chicago ? I would have to pull off twice the amount of robberies just to maintain my standard of living. Also, I couldn’t afford to drive or park in that city, which means I would be selling drugs on foot instead of out of my car. No way, Chicago is too cold for that nonsense.
I sure hope Illinois scraps the talk of this unfair legislation against my profession. Folks, please don’t support conceal-carry, some of us just can’t afford it.